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The Dark Art and Writings

of Jeff Arce

Morbid ToyBox Studio is where author/illustrator Jeffrey Arce shares his work for his fans and readers to take part in the perilous adventures that exist inside his mind. Featuring original art, news, blogs, and exclusive dark content from the artist…Let’s play!

Home: Welcome

Female Ash

Wanted to draw a cartoon version of Ash Williams from the Evil Dead horror series as a woman so I based my design on the likeness of...

Brooklyn Horror Con

Just reserved an Artist’s Alley table at this year‘s NYC horror con. I’ll be there showcasing my new shirt designs, original...

Steel City Comic Con

We will be buying a dealers table at this year’s Pittsburg Steel City Comic Con. Bringing our new (horror and fantasy themed) t-shirts,...

New T-Shirt Design

Just finished my new t-shirt design. The shirts will be available at the winter New Jersey Horror Film festival 2021. I’ll be there...

November New Jersey Horror Con

Catch me, Artist Jeffrey Arce, at artist alley! I’ll be showing off my 3D models and selling original stickers, 3D sculptures, t-shirts,...

Candy: Reveal

Her true origin is shrouded by mystery. But those very few that know her, they know she has a sweet tooth. That was how they found her of...

Oliver Spitts

Decided to make some fan art of my friend and fellow entrepreneur #hiphop #artist from #lockhaven #pennsylvania #oliverspitts of the #rap...

Killer Doll 2021

Been quite busy putting together my latest Morbid Toy. Obviously inspired the Legendary Killer Doll #chucky I am designing this one to be...

Witching Hour

Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween! My latest model took about a week to complete. She is my most detailed 3D model yet. My Lovely Witch...

Groovy Halloween!

Just finished up my new model, Ash Williams from the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness series. One of my favorite #horror slasher/slapstick...

3D Toybox

My new logo remade on #zbrush as a 3D design.


Well, I finally finished sculpting my model inspired by the ultimate RPG of 1997 #FinalFantasy7 featuring my adaptation of the hero...

Strife and Resolve

2020 fucking sucks! I won’t candy coat it. This year is the worst, most financially devastating year of my Professional life. I watched...

Dino Sculpt

So for my first 3D sculpture on #zbrush I wanted to do a Dino bust. The legendary #cretaceous #monster #trex #tyrannosaurusrex and it...

Pandemic Academy

Took it upon myself to start learning a new #art form while I’m here stuck in my house during this godforsaken #pandemic experiment. When...

Director Ortega

Original Character Reveal! FBI Director Ortega will soon make her first appearance in my #paravice #bassysbasilica #horror series....

Candy Seduces

Original #art by creator Jeffrey Arce depicting a sequence in #paravice #bassysbasilica when Candy beguiles her secret lover at the club....

Fan art stickers in progress!

Wow! #Quarantine sucks. I hope you are all keeping your sanity out there during this challenging time. I decided to turn off the news and...

MMA Nerd

I have been for most of my life a huge MMA fan. It began in the archaic years of #ufc (which I still keep up with religiously) when me...

Oliver Spitts Art

Been working a lot with a local legend out of Lock Haven PA. Oliver Spitts is a hip hop artist who caught me drawing caricatures as...

Home: Blog2
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ParaVice: a science fiction/horror series

The only elements that remain in abundance on this planet

are human flesh,

and sin…,

The world loves the taste of sin.


Details Coming Soon!

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